Staff & Personnel In Food Technology

Staff & Personnel In Food Technology
Department Overview

Ajayi, Adebola

Principal Lecturer

BSc. MSc.(Food Technology)


Principal Lecturer|BSc. MSc.(Food Technology)




Food Technology


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Food Process Engineering

Teaching Areas

Fuel Combustion and Steam Generation

Food process Engineering 

Processing and Equipment Design

Selected Publications

Ajayi, Adebola (2017). Mineral Content of Ocimum gratissimum Leaves  (African Basil) International Journal of Science and Research Volume 6 Issue 10 pg 1572-1573

Ajayi, Adebola (2017). Proximate Composition and Mineral Content of Ocimum gratissimum (African Basil) International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 5 Issue 11 pg 65-67

Ajayi, Adebola (2017). The Impact of Different Drying Method on the Proximate Composition of Ocimum gratissimum (African Basil) International Journal of Science and Research Volume 6 Issue 10 pg 1574-1578

Ajayi Adebola and Makanjuola, Olakunle. Moses (2017). Effect of Sprouting Periods on the Proximate Composition, Functional Properties and Mineral Content of Malted Sorghum Flour. International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 5 Issue 11 pg 68-71.

Makanjuola, O. Moses and Ajayi, Adebola, (2017). Proximate Composition, Functional and Sensory Evaluation of Blends of Yam-soy-Plantain Flours for Culinary Purposes. Journal of Global Bioscience Volume 6, Number 10

Makanjuola, O. Moses, Adepegba, A. Oluwole, Ajayi. A and Akoja, S. Samuel (2017). Proximate Composition and Sensory Qualities of Powdered Ogi (Fermented Maize Meal) Fortified with Powdered Unfermented Locust Bean Seeds (Pakia Biglobosa). Journal of Global Bioscience Volume 6, Number 10 (2017)

Makanjuola Olakunle Moses, Ajayi Adebola, Bolade Mattew Kolawole, and Makanjuola John Olarenwaju (2013). The proximate Composition and Mineral Contents of Three Plantain Cultivars Harvested at Matured Green level. International Journal of Innovation in Bio Sciences. Vol 3 (2), 2013 pp23-26

Makanjuola Olakunle Moses, Sanni Hakeem, Adesoji, Ajayi Adebola (2013). Effect of Blanching and Frozen Storage on Some Selected Minerals and Vitamin C Content for Four Leafy Vegetables Widely Consumed in Ilaro Community, Ogun State Nigeria Journal of Global Biosciences Vol 2(4), 2013, pp 79-84

Makanjuola, Olakunle Moses, Adepegba, Adetokunbo Olawole, Ajayi, Adebola and Makanjuola, John Olarewaju, (2013) . Effect of Different Preservation Methods on the Quality attributes of some Tropical Fruit Juice Advances in Bio-research. Vol4 (4) December, 2013:74-78

Adepegba,Adetokunbo Olawole, Makanjuola, Olakunle Moses and Ajayi, Adebowale. The Physico-chemical and Bacteriology Studies of Polythene Packaged Water (Pure Water) Sold in Ilaro Metropolist, South West, Nigeria. International Achieve of Applied Science and Technology  AAST: Vol 4 September, 2013 (52-57).

Olalekan, J.A Adebowale, Adebola, A, and Titilayo, A. Ibikunle (2013). Qualities Assessment of Biscuit for Green Plantain (Musa paradisiacal) and Africa Breadfruit (Treculiaafricena) Flour. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology 11:336-345

Conferences Attended

Ajayi, Adebola (2017) Effect of Processing Methods on the Proximate and Mineral Contents of Ocimum Gratissimum leaf (Sent leaf) Proceeding of the 41st NIFST Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology held on 22nd -25th October, 2017 at International center (ICC), by Radio House Herbert Macurlay way, FCT Abuja.

Ajayi, Adebola (2017) Effect of Different Processing Methods on Nutritional Composition of Bitter leaf (Vernonia Amyglading) Proceeding of the 41st NIFST Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology held on 22nd -25th October, 2017 at International center (ICC), by Radio House Herbert Macurlay way, FCT Abuja.

Ajayi. A (2016) Proximate Composition of Dehydrated Yam Flour Proceeding of the 40th Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigeria institute of Food Science and Technology held on 24th – 26th October, 2016 Kano, Kano State, Nigeria pp 458

Ajayi A and Makanjuola, O.M (2017). Effect of Particle Size of Maize Flour on the Quality of Traditional Maize Snack, Kokoro. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 19th International Conference on Food Science and Packaging Technologies Kaula, Lumpur, Malaysia. December, 11th – 12th, 2017.

Makanjuola, O.M and Ajayi, A (2017) Proximate Composition of Five Species of Land Snails is Commonly Found in Ilaro Yewa Community, Ogun state. Repositioning Nigerian Technological Education in the 21st Century

Makanjuola, O.M and Ajayi (2017). Proximate, Functional and Sensory  Evaluation of some Brands of Instant Noodles in Nigeria. World Academy of            Science, Engineering and Technology, 19th International Conference in Food Science and Packaging Technologies. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. December 11th-12th, 2017

Ajayi, A, Aiyeleye, F.B, Makanjuola, O.M and Adebowale, O.J (2015) Effect of Drying Methods on the Proximate Composition Mineral Contents and Functional Properties of Plantain Flour. 29th Efffot International Conference Proceedings, held on 10-12 November, 2015 Athens, Greece.

Ajayi, A, Aiyeleye, F.B and Adebowale, O.J (2015) Effect of Dehydration Methods on the Proximate and Functional Properties of Tomato Powder 29th Effost International Conference Proceedings: Held on 10-12 November, 2015 Athens, Greece pp 822-824.

Makanjuola, O.M, Ajayi, A and Noah, A. A (2016) Physico-chemical Analysis of Borehole Water Around Cement Factories in Nigeria Proceeding of the 40th Conference and Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology held on 24th – 26th October, 2016, Kano stat, Nigeria pp 29-30

Makanjuola, O.M, Adebowale, O.J, Ajayi, A and Noah A.A (2014) Physical Proximate Composition and Sensory Properties of Biscuit prepared from wheat-Defatted Coconut Flour Blends. Books of Extended Abstract of the 38th Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology Annual Conference and General Meeting, Lagos 2014 pg 74-75

Summary of Profile

Mr. Adebola Ajayi, Food Technologist with focus on Food Eniginering. He had his undergraduate degree in Food Technology from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan in 1984 and Masters in Food Technology in the same University in 1990. Over the years he has been engaged in meaningful research and teaching. He has conducted researches in Food Engineering with special interest in Food Dehydration, Rheology and Fluid Mechanics. He has mentored a good number of students both at the National and Higher National Diploma levels. He is a Senior lecturer in the Department of Food Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro in Ogun State.

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